The Non-Slip team would like to thank everyone who came to visit us at the Cot 2015 Conference and Exhibition (which ran from 30th June-2nd July).
We had a great show- despite the heatwave- in the wonderfully air-conditioned Brighton centre, on Brighton’s lively sea front.
We gave away stacks of goodie bags with our ‘Keep Calm I’m an Occupational Therapist’ Dycem coaster samples- which are always a huge hit with the OT’s. We also spread the word, far and wide, about Dycem Non-Slip’s therapeutic applications.
We would like to thank our resident expert, Jen Cave-Ayland, for helping us out during the exhibition. She is an Occupational Therapist and was only too happy to help with any OT-related questions posed to us from the delegates.

Once again, we ran our ‘How do You Use Dycem?’ competition, where we collected responses from attendees on their best reviews and new uses for Dycem.
Some of the answers included, using Dycem to hold arms still during Mirror Box Therapy exercises and using Dycem reel material for scar tissue massage.
Watch this space to find out who won, as we’ll be announcing the winner soon.
We look forward to seeing you at COT 2016, which will be held in Harrogate.
Rehacare 2015

The Non-Slip team will also be heading to Dusseldorf in October to exhibit at the Rehacare 2015 Conference.
We hope to see you there!
And if you are an Occupational Therapist who attended COT 2015, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how the show went for you. Please leave us a comment below.