Tag Archives: CSM

Dycem at APTA CSM 2014

Dycem would like to thank everyone that came to visit us at APTA CSM 2014 in Las Vegas! We had a great time and look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

It was interesting to hear so many of your application ideas for Dycem in daily Phyiso Practice. 

Here are some of the top applications we heard at the conference;

1. Massaging over skin for Scar tissue mobilisation

2. Stabilising exercise and balance equipment

3. Great for use with closed kinetic chain exercises

4. Enabling lymphedema patients to put on pressure garments

5. Enabling arthritis patients to open tough jars and bottles

Dycem would like to give a huge thank you to those of you who got in front of the Dycem camera to share your applications with the world, watch this space for our PT video soon to be posted on twitter.


For those of you would like more information, samples or to let us know how you use your Dycem, please email nonslip@dycem.com We look forward to seeing you again next year in Indy!Image